Before we explore outlining methods, let's get something out of the way: not all writers use outlines and that's perfectly fine. Winging it, or "pantsing," is a valid writing method, especially for fiction writers. However, many writers benefit from a well-laid plot blueprint as it helps them avoid getting stuck with no way out. It also helps authors who continuously start projects but can never figure out how to reach the end. Now that that's out of the way, let's take a look at four popular outlining forms:
A classical outline includes Roman numerals, letters, and numbers for headings and subheadings. This is a highly organized form of outlining and relies heavily on sequential thinking, making it a popular choice among nonfiction writers. The goal of the classical outline is to create a blueprint that effectively divides main ideas and subordinating ones, while at the same time coordinating ideas into a cohesive whole. This pre-writing organization brings clarity to the work.
In a summary outline, the writer estimates the number of chapters in their manuscript. The writer often starts out with a document similar to a beat sheet used by screenwriters (a sequentially ordered list of plot events). Then a short summary of each chapter is written. A clear goal is defined for each chapter, and the characters are discussed, along with settings and chapter timelines. This kind of outline is very linear in nature.
Index card outlining is very popular because it allows for the constant reorganization of ideas. Writers create short scene synopses and can rearrange them at will. This is great for those who have a non-linear style. Many use Post-it notes instead of note cards because they can be easily arranged on a wall board, offering a more visual way to follow the story’s plot. For the technically inclined, a program like Microsoft’s “Power Point” or Mac’s “Keynote” allow you to create cards online and easily rearrange as needed. Other programs like Scrivener and Celtx are made for writers and have even more user-friendly outlining features.
Clustering, or mind mapping, is a random and organic outline form and consists of creating a web of ideas that will eventually be used to start a story. The main idea is placed in a central bubble then more bubbles surround it. More ideas radiate out from the center, creating a web-like shape upon completion. Lines connect all the bubbles with coordinating ideas. For large works, a poster-sized sheet of paper is recommended.
Hi Jennifer,
Be sure you take advantage of the Author Circle function when you set up a book project. That is the best way to invite people to share your writing with and the journey you are on. There is a video on this page and a PDF you can download to learn how to best use it that unique function. Author Learning Center
**wants to write with me, contact me on here!
I usually just writing all my thoughts and ideas out, including names, dates, plots, character list, places, etc in my notebook and go from there but I often have trouble with the transition from outlining to writing... I'm very limited when it comes to devices, I have my phone and a touch screen computer with no keyboard or mouse right now... which is weird because I'm used to having a laptop for writing...but money issues right now. Hence why I chose to try writing again and see where this takes me. Its my time! So if anyone on here wants to write with m
Correct. This is not a word processing tool. But what you can do is store your various drafts in the documents section of your Author Circle. And if you invite people to join your Author Circle, you can have them review and comment if you so desire