Getting Started With Book Promotion - video

Founder of, Sandra Beckwith, shares first steps to getting started with book promotion. There are two things she recommends above all else. First, start by learning as much as you possibly can about book marketing. Look for courses, newsletters, blogs, and more before your book is even done. Beckwith walks us through some of the many, many resources available to authors as they begin book promotion. Next, you need to know your book’s target audience. If you limit your audience, you may sell more books than if your audience is broad. Listen to the clip below to find out more!

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  • Thank you, will be taking this advise on board.
  • It was informative but I'm disappointed she didn't give a specific example of how someone would narrow down their audience range.
  • Could you please help me? What I see and read on the internet are books that explain how I can learn to market my book. I don't have the time or interest in using my time for marketing. What I wish you would do for me and others is to do an evaluation of different services or people who do the marketing. My impression is that there a lot of expensive packages. The go through the hoops and then they're done. I'm trying to find someone who cares and will market my book using all of their knowledge. You mentioned targeting it toward an audience. Is there a person or company that will actually take an individual approach, talk to me, work out a marketing plan and they will execute it. Please help me. Gary Schwendiman, 520 247 0858 PS; My book is being self published. Printed and ready for sale on October 1. The title is The Future of Clean Energy: Who Wins and Who Loses as the World Goes Green. There could hardly be a topic of greater interests. Thanks in advance for help me.