IMPORTANT: All events are listed in Eastern Time. 

Congratulations on publishing your book! You did it, so now what? Just sit back and see what happens? Probably not the best idea if you hope to sell some copies. There’s lots you can do to start building an audience but where to start? Whether you’re a new author or a self-published veteran, you’ll benefit from this exclusive ALC webinar where author Douglas Gardham demonstrates how a strong website and social media presence can help you attract a loyal following. From social media strategies to what to include on your website, Doug will provide valuable tips based on what has worked best for him. Even if you are still in the writing stage, it’s never too early to start planning your digital footprint as an author!

Douglas Gardham is the author of The Drive In (a collection of short stories), the STARBook award novel The Actor and the soon to be published, The Musician. Writing found him as a teenager and never let go. He spent most of his career in engineering and manufacturing but wrote everyday. When The Actor was published in 2013 he started writing full-time. He was recently featured in a front page article in Globe Arts of Canada’s Globe and Mail newspaper.