What is The Key to Writing Characters Believably? - video

Author Beth Albright uses sensuality to flesh out the characters in her books – but it doesn't mean what you think. Albright shares her secrets for developing characters that spring to life from the page. She offers useful examples that you can apply to your own writing. If you want great characters, Albright's advice is a valuable place to start.
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  • Thank you Beth, I liked the way you use the word 'sensuality' in how you approach a novel. Though I was aware of the concept I can see now how I can help myself by this approach. Thank you for bringing me back, and adding to this approach for me. Ideas are bubbling in my mind already. Carole Lane (weave)
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Verena - I found Beth to be so engaging and fun to listen to. I want to get her book "heart of dixie".
  • Beth, I love listening to you. You make so much sense and make the writing seem manageable.
  • Very interesting how you go about developing a character. I sort of did the same thing in my book.