The First Draft: Let It Flow - video

Writing the first draft of a book is an exciting process, but it can also be quite terrifying. Pen Densham, Hollywood producer, writer, and director, tells the secret to overcoming the fear inherent in the writing process so you can finish your first draft. He says to think of the process more like an adventure than an adversarial process. When you're creating, you'd don't need to worry about being accurate—let it flow out of you. There is no wrong way to explore something you’ve never encountered before. Ignore anyone who tells you that you must do this and that by a certain page. Just go out there and see what kind of fun you can have. Once you finish writing the first draft of your book, the important thing is to celebrate. Relax, and then look at your work as something you’ve explored and discovered, and see what it tells you. The next draft is when you can begin to carve a more defined structure into your story.
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  • I find writing a book of poetry is probably a different process than any book of prose.  For me  writing a poem is a whole process in its own.  When writing a book of prose, writing an outline and planning ahead  is very helpful.  A poem is a creative experience in itself.  Putting the book together is a process of discovery and putting the poems together in an organized way that gives meaning to the group. I have watched this and feel that his comments actually apply to what I just said "Just let it Flow. 

  • Glad I watched this now at the beginning of my first draft.

  • I have my book finished and published already how do I submit it to be read by other authors

  • I was starting to stress already. Thank you for that advice, it is a relief.

  • Found this refreshing, lifted some stress, thank you.