Common Manuscript Mistakes - podcast

Lucy Silag speaks about her position with Penguin Random House and how she scouts talent through online manuscript postings. She advises authors to ensure manuscripts posted online are presentable. If a manuscript is too sloppy, editors will not keep reading. Any posted writing should be presented as a reflection of the author.
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  • Great tips, Raines!
  • After finishing my manuscripts and the next step they were then checked out for mistakes, the advise given to me was that there were just three areas of concern - one was grammar, two was spelling and three was being careful of the choice of words I chose. An example was that in two sentences I had used the word "lovely" three times. So what was lovely? Was the day lovely because it was sunny? Was the room lovely because of the choice of colors and so on. I decided to edit the books myself and I found that concentrating on those three areas really helped me make constructive changes and I was happy to edit my own work as only I knew what was really important to get across. I am very proud of the simple changes that changed the entire story presentation in each book and so glad I have an even deeper connection with my books. It will help me greatly in writing future books.