Tony N. Todaro on the Creation and Evolution of His Lightriders Series

When a writer is just beginning, it can feel impossible to ever reach full-time author status. Thinking of all the steps between “start-up” and “self-sustaining” can be daunting. When facing doubt, it’s often helpful to listen to other authors’ career stories. These journeys are usually filled with challenges, but the end results inspire hope as beginning writers set their own goals and plan for the future. Tony N. Todaro, author, Executive Director of WC2 (West Coast Writers Conferences), and President of GLAWS (Greater Los Angeles Writers Society), shares his journey from high school columnist to professional writer, and now fiction author. He spent the first portion of his career writing for corporations. These various writing jobs were creative in their own ways, but Todaro quickly became bored. His love for science fiction prompted him to start planning his Lightriders series. The concepts in this fantastical science-fiction series evolved over time as he converted his studio into a story mapping room. And, his plans for publication have evolved as he and his agent determine the best next steps for his series, which could include getting optioned for film or TV. In the clip below, he shares the internal inspirations that shaped the first few books. Learn how an idea transforms into a novel, which can develop into a “story Bible” or series, which may eventually be displayed on theater screens.

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