How Conferences and Speaking Can Enhance an Author’s Craft and Platform

Attending in-person events and conferences can be an invaluable way for authors to meet agents, editors, other authors, and readers. Writer's conferences have a been a critical piece of award-winning, bestselling author Cara C. Putman's development as a writer. Growing up, her writing education came mostly from reading, which provided a good foundation. As she attended more writing groups and conferences, she began to better understand the technical and academic sides of writing.

Since then, Putman has become very involved with the American Christian Fiction Writers organization. The ACFW Annual Conference is where she met her agent, editors, and fellow writers, which inspired Putman to want to give back. She has served on the board for the organization since 2008 and has done a lot of speaking and teaching at their events. Developing the presentations and workshops has been a great way for her to continue learning. In addition, Putman created an orientation for first-time attendees to the conference to lower the barriers to entry. It's important to her that writers find their support network and feel at home when attending.

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