How to Promote Your Book Event - video

A book event doesn’t do you any good if nobody shows up. Author and event specialist Carol Hoenig shares tips on how to promote your book event so you can draw in as many readers as possible. She says that you are responsible for getting the word out about your event. Stay in touch with the venue and ask what they’re doing to promote the event. You don’t want to make them feel that they’re solely responsible for publicizing the event, but you can expect them to be involved. Ask the venue to put fliers at the front desk and a notice in the local paper. Once you’ve made the most of your event’s venue, send out a press release to invite the media. Make use of all the resources available to you to publicize your event, including Facebook, Twitter, and your blog or website. If you find you’re having trouble engaging the media’s interest, don’t feel discouraged; it can be difficult. If you can find one person at a local paper who is willing to do a story on you, that’s a great way to start. Get people interested in talking to you. All this takes time, but you absolutely have to do it to promote your book event.
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  • Thanks Carol for the helpful advice. Authors should contact every regional paper in towns where they have previously lived, as well as where they live now, and send out individual Press Releases, including their local connections. Best of luck to everyone! It might help you pick up further ideas from my websites and Tony Flood, author of spicy crime thriller Triple Tease and celebrity revelations book My Life With The Stars.