Key Lessons Learned From Interviewing Authors - video

Suzette Conway, former director or the Author Learning Center, shares tips for aspiring authors that she gleaned from the years she spent interviewing authors. Here are some of her expert tips for writers. The secret to finding time to write is simple—you make it a priority. While you are writing, don't research or edit. Stopping to do these tasks in the middle of writing interrupts the creative flow. Always keep a pen and paper handy to write down ideas as they come to you throughout the day or night. Don't try to self-edit as your only form of editing. Hire a professional editor. When it comes to book marketing, Conway's tips for aspiring writers is to first find out what you can do to market your book yourself, such as managing your social media campaign. Hire a PR firm to help with the tasks that you cannot do. You can also set up and manage your own book events. Find out how your book ties to your community, such as holding an event at your local farmer's market for your food-related book. Be creative when thinking of marketing ideas for a fiction books. Don't overlook the importance of networking. Use LinkedIn, conferences, writer's retreats, and book fairs to find like-minded professionals and new readers.
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  • This lady gives so much good advice in such a short presentation. Thankyou
  • Always have your book and pens but don't edit while writing thanks a million.
  • Hello Suzette it is hard trying to find a literary Agent I sent out a lot of my quiry letters and plus I have eight books out now www.Barnes& book Consultant Frank madson I have one poetry and seven Children books on is called Mr. Biggels find the Golden Feathers sharalee marie shepherd washington 11 number 440-232-4237
  • I enjoyed watching this video, Suzette. You cover several of the points included in my upcoming book with Balboa--WRITE THE BOOK YOU WANT--BE YOUR OWN COACH.
  • Thank you Suzette. This information is excellent. Extremely helpful as my fiction, historical novel (The Fortune Seekers) is now underway at Xlibris. You have given many ideas I can work on as I await publication. Regards, Glennis Browne