Marketing Your Book to Independent Book Stores - article

Independent book stores believe in hand-selling books. The big chain stores don’t always have knowledgeable staff. The big box stores place the books on shelving with little thought to staging and no thought to selling. The big chains are unlikely to take on the books by an unknown self-published author. What are you going to do? You need to sell books. Consider this independent book store have flexibility. They might put your books on the shelf if you take the time engage this market.

Where do you start? The American Bookseller Association offers, a site designed to promote local independent booksellers. The store finder on the site will help you discover book stores in your area and also book stores that specialize in your genre of books. Some stores sell a wide variety of books, like Powell’s Books, a large independent bookseller in Oregon. Other independent booksellers specialize in genres like Books of Wonder in New York that focuses only on children’s books.

Once you’ve identified a list of local stores that might be interested in your book, do some more research. Visit the book store and check out the books. Does the book store already offer books from self-published authors? If it isn’t a busy time, strike a conversation with the staff. Hand out your business card if an opportunity presents itself. Don’t stop the research at one visit. Attend an event at the book store. This is good way to investigate how events work at the store and a great place to network.

Finally, you’ve done your research. Now, it’s time to contact the store. Hopefully you’ve gotten the name and contact information of the store’s buyer on one of your research trips. If you haven’t, check the store’s website. Be aware some stores are very small and the owner is also the buyer. Now, set up a date and time to discuss the possibility the possibility of the store offering your books. Bring a hard copy of your press kit along with an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC).

With so many print-on-demand services, distribution of books has been greatly simplified. Sometimes book stores will still wish to buy stock from the author for a flat fee instead of through an online distributor. Not all store purchase from every distributor. Be ready to deliver that stock to the store if need be.

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  • I tried another book signing from our local co-op store and they excepted me wholeheartedly.  They did not charge me anything for table.  I thought, if people bought groceries someone might stop and buy my book.  I had alot of inquiries and smiles.  I think I sold  seven copies that day.  Upon leaving I asked for the bill of my table and was told, " no charge.,  Good luck with writing.".    That was the difference between local grocery store and a "Coles" bookstore.  But I still feel the object is to get advertised somehow on the internet.  Globally spread is better than locally.  Good luck everyone!

  • I went directly to a book store local to my home and they surprised me with, 97.00 deposit to set up a table and have a book signing or display of my work.  Any sales if any, the store wanted 5% profit off each book.  This was an eye opener for me as I didn't even realize that you were charged for arranging book signings.  I turned down the offer and left her with a copy of my book.  I heard from her again.

  • I tried the American Booksellers Association site. Didn't see a tab for 'store finder', but clicked on 'ABA Bookseller Member Directory'. I put in the closest city, state, and zip code, and the search fetched 0 results. Tried again, this time leaving off the zip code. Got one result. I researched the result: they sell books at discounted prices. I looked at their 'Religion' section, since my new book is a Christian book. The books I saw were written by well-known national authors. I doubt they would help sell a book by unknown me, for a price where I can make a small profit. However, they may surprise me.
  • I am interested in the Independent Book Store, because I believe they are willing to take a chance on someone new. I would like a list of those who are adventurous and willing to give someone new a chance. I.G.
  • Thank you so much for the information. I went over to the American Booksellers Association site but I did not see the tab for store finder, can you please help?