Niche Appeal: Catering to the Weird - video

Seth Godin, bestselling author, blogger, and marketing expert, discusses the importance of staying true the vision for your book even if it isn't what traditional publishers want. He reminds us to know our audience, know our vision, make sure we are original. Forget trying to reach mass markets that the traditional publishers want ... reach for YOUR target audience. You do this with originality.
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  • I enjoyed listening to Seth's ideas and agree that they make sense. Thanks Seth.
  • One of the greatest lines I saw recently was, ‘Some of the poorest people I know only have money,’ so to hear Seth talking about the merit in writing for a niche and your own kind tribe really thrills me. To be honest I have written two novels before I wrote The Far Out Café. My first novel was compared to Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett I didn’t make the connection until it was pointed out to me. I was told that my second novel just want commercially viable. So, I wrote The Far Out Café solely and only for myself and as such see this as my best work. I would really welcome any support in securing reviews for the book and appreciate any feedback as to how I might find my 'tribe'. I have just self published The Far Out Café and it is available on Amazon. Thank you very much indeed All best wishes Stuart
  • Well done, good talking, as you said it is always better to people who can read and agree with your ideas.
  • Seth, I really enjoyed this, as I am somewhat zeroed in on a niche... Is it possible to get your information to add you to my circle? Dr. Rob
  • Thanks Seth! really insightful points.