Provision for Vision

by David Corby

About the Book

Life is a journey from conception to our passing. We go through dark times that can force us into humility to admit that we cannot do this on our own. Thankfully, there is Someone who can help. Our Maker’s blessing is available to us all, whether we live in a palace or on death row. Provision for Vision is about the miraculous turnaround of a life heading for destruction. Author David Corby and his wife Yvonne, married for over thirty years, experienced a major descent in their relationship and fell deep into debt. Their marriage was saved by turning back to our Maker’s instructions for life. They now help others by witnessing to their experience in marriage, parenting, finances, and finding and following a vision. Through frank and revealing testimony, David shares a compelling witness of a renewed living in Christ. Peace, joy, and restoration are available when we follow the guidance of the One who created us. Do you have a vision for your life? Our Maker is patiently waiting for you to turn back to Him. He will reconnect you to His vision and provide what you need to achieve it.

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