Tips For Authors on Managing the Foreign Rights to Their Work

The potential for book sales in international markets is big, so authors must take all of their book's rights seriously, including the foreign rights. Trident Media Group literary agent Mark Gottlieb recommends that authors have proper representation to protect their rights and overall earnings. When not managed correctly, or, when rights are given to the publisher, authors can lose out on a lot of revenue. Authors can retain their foreign rights by working with an agency like Trident Media Group, Gottlieb says, allowing them to sell directly to foreign publishers. This will put more money in the author's pocket since the percentage that an agent earns on these sales is typically much less than what a publisher earns. Gottlieb advises authors to make sure they work with an agent that deals directly with the foreign market and doesn't pass if off to a third party. Your work could end up in a long catalog of books, not getting the attention or exposure it deserves internationally.

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