Self-Publishing Success - video

It can take two to three years to bring a novel to market via traditional publishing--and that wait can kill careers, says Regency romance and fantasy writer Donna Hatch. That's why she chose to self-publish, and it is yielding success. Hatch launched series of novellas on Smashwords and found new readers she might not have otherwise have attracted. She also likes being able to have more control over creative elements, like covers. Hatch recommends authors consider self-publishing as a way to maintain momentum inbetween book launches.
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  • Well said.  Self-publishing attracted me because I would have the creative control over my work as well as a much more timely process in getting it published and marketing it.  Thank you for the positive perspective.

  • Hello Donna, your take on self-publishing is really positive and I will admit that when I decided to self publish I believed that 1- my story may not be good enough and 2 - that a publisher would take forever to accept or decline my book. Your sharing in this particular area gives me confidence to continue down this path and hopefully be successful. Thank you
  • Very interesting, like you I had always considered self publish to be the road taken by those who couldn't get a publisher. In reality it is both faster and more flexible, especially as a new author looking for a proving ground.
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