Publishing Trends: Expansion & Consolidation - article

Two of the trends that have changed the rules for content creators, authors, filmmakers, anybody working in the entertainment industry and media spaces, are expansion and consolidation. Right now, anybody can tell a story, and it’s really exciting. There are no boundaries. You can blog about it. You can have a podcast. You can self publish. But there has also been a huge trend toward consolidation. Traditional publishers, studios, and networks are going through big changes. They’ve had to lay off staff and consolidate resources. That means it’s harder to get those kinds of big players to take an interest in your creative work. Their marketing costs have gone up exponentially, and they’ve consolidated so much that it’s much harder to break into that world. You have to find a way to get yourself into the conversation and tailor your work to what they’re looking for. If you have what they specifically want, it’s possible, but the competition is tough. So there are these two conflicting trends: on the one hand, it’s much easier to get your story out there, but on the other, it’s much harder to get a big traditional publisher, network, or studio to be interested in your work.

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