Self-Publishing Means More Control - video

Upon meeting his hero, Harvey MacKay, author Steve Harper became more compelled to try self-publishing because of the benefits it offers, including greater creative control. Harper did just that and wouldn't trade the experience. His biggest piece of advice to authors: assemble a good team, because you don't know what you don't know. Skilled team members, however, possess reliable expertise that guides the process.
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  • Thank you, Steve Harper, for your inspirational talk. I'm a first time author who opted to self-publish. My book isn't out yet and I have a lot to learn about marketing at this point.
  • Thanks Steve Harper for this great info. I will soon submit my first book. I am leaning in the direction of self-publishing. I am excited and ready. Hoping for the best!
  • Thank you Steve for the helpful ideas for a first time author like me.
  • I believe, as long as it's a quality book with a strong story, the audience does not care how it is published. Besides, in an affect world by changing technology, the audience expects to see new and innovative publishing methods ... I just self-published a book called, Who Knows Where Butterflies Die about global justice and have received good reviews in the media -
  • This is a great little piece on why to self-publish. I particularly liked the comment that self-publishing gives the author more control. It was also interesting, though, to hear him talk about needing a great team, because first-time author doesn't know what he doesn't know. That is how I feel as a new author. I appreciate every little bit of help I get from my Xlibris representatives.