Don't Let Rejection Deter You - podcast

Rejection happens—it happens to every aspiring author. It's how you handle the rejection that determines whether or not you reach your goal of getting published. Robert Dugoni, New York Times bestselling author of legal thrillers, offers his perspective on the meaning of rejection, how to handle rejection from a publisher, and how to use it as a tool to improve. He says that you can't let the fear of rejection stop you from fulfilling your publishing dream. This interview will encourage you to be tenacious in the face of rejection. It will remind you that even the biggest authors have dealt with rejection, and if they can overcome it, so can you.
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  • Robert: It was very encouraging to hear your advice. I have just finishing writing a book on climate change. It is an interesting subject, but my fear was that my work might be attacked by people who have bought into a narrow view of what is causing global warming. Never the less, I have decided to dive in and see what happens. Sam
  • Hi, My name is Audrey, I am working on my first book. My book is based on my real life events,encounters, illness, family abandonment ,travel and how I survived eight surgery. Also the special Love i have for my Surgeon who saved my life and my wonderful Husband who retired early to care for me. How depression almost destroyed me totally.
  • This was very helpful and inspirational for young authors like myself. Thank you for encouraging us to keep moving forward and to learn from our mistakes.
  • O.k. I've already left some comments on this thread. Now I'm going pitch my shameless marketing ploy: Is there anyone who wants to team up with me to publish under a "ghost author" name. From what I've heard from a publishing firm, a writer with more books has a better shot at being published. If one book in our pack makes it, the others will get attention. Every "ghost writer" in the pack keeps what his/her book makes. This is what it's come to for me, don't have the money or the expertise to get my book out there.
  • Sounds like you cleared the biggest hurdle, assuming you got a publisher. Please fill me in on the story.