Which Authors Benefit the Most from Self-Publishing - video

Pete Nikolai, Director of Backlist Development and Publishing Services at Thomas Nelson, shares his thoughts on why self publishing is a great option for new authors.
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  • Your podcast on self publishing, was music to my ears. I have recently self published a book of poems , 'No Cross No crown,' and was having second thoughts about it's life, and how far it will go. Thanks for your insight; now I liken my book as a newborn baby, you want to do all that you can for it, while it's in the developement stages; then when it is mature, you let it run on its own two feet. Thanks
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Hi Frank -- This seems to be playing fine when we test it. Both the podcast and the video have sound all the way through. If you are still having problems hearing it, may I suggest you try a audio different method? For instance, I sometimes have problems with my personal headset such that when I use it for one thing (like listening to a webinar) and then later use it for something else (a podcast)... it sometimes doesn't work. But if I unplug the headset and just use the speakers on my PC it is fine. Or if I close the application, plug the headset back in and reopen the application... it works. This tells me that it's an issue with my headset not the audio file (since it works with speakers alone). Try something like that if you have a minute. From our end it seems to be working fine.
  • Thank you for the encouragment. I self published my first fictional romance book after I was rejected by Harlequin. I realized then that I had my own style of writing and their's wasn't necessarily the only way that readers like. Since then, I have my second book in the self publishing process, and readers asking how soon it will be available.
  • Taking a life of it's own. Possiblities are endless. Hope my story has a very LONG life. One book in the self publishing process now and 2 more maybe next year. My own life is taking a turn. Just retired and now this! Thanks for your words. And to my fellow authors--Good Luck.
  • thanks, that reinforces the decision I made when I self published.