Choosing to Independently Publish - video

Peggy Kelsey explains the benefits of self publishing her book. Her reasons included wanting to keep full control of the content and the neutral tone of the book. She also discusses the timing involved in developing her book and the freedom to set her own goals for the project. She explains that she had invested too much time in the process to have a traditional publisher tell her the book would not be published. When comparing traditional publishing versus self publishing, Kelsey explains that she still needed to depend on technical capabilities of the self publisher, but she was still able to keep her own goals and deadlines.
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  • Totally agree with Peggy by the way. I chose to Self-publish and managed to get my first (and only so far though I have a series in my head that won't leave me alone until I get it completed) publication printed. My struggle and challenge to this day is marketting and sharing it with the world 

  • Fantastic being here and reach out, connect, learn and be INSPIRED to make myself AACOUTABLE to my Projects! Any author out there empathise with feeling overwhelmed?

  • Thank you Peggy for confirming that I made the right choice to independently publish!