Racquel Henry on Black Fox Literary Magazine and Tips for Author Submissions

Literary magazines can be great places to publish your work. They provide fantastic exposure and it’s always exciting to see your name in print. It can give writers a platform that propels them through their career. When Racquel Henry, writer and editor, co-created the literary magazine, Black Fox, she was able to give an opportunity to many first time authors. This magazine has provided a springboard for many of these authors. When Henry and her co founders created Black Fox, they wanted to span genre in a way few other magazines did. This was in the hope that they could find quality writing simply because it was fantastic, not because it fell under certain genre conventions. Listen to this video to hear about some typical mistakes writers make when submitting to a magazine. Henry also shares things that prompt her to choose a submission above others, tips on how to polish your cover letters, and how to create compelling content in your submission.

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