Racquel Henry on Founding the Writer’s Atelier

Writing is typically done in solitary spaces, but it doesn’t have to be a lonely process. Inviting other people into your work can spark creativity, prompt motivation, and create comradery.  The internet is, of course, a fantastic way to connect with other authors. However, interacting face-to-face with local writers has the benefit of accountability through personal relationships and shared experiences. Local writing communities are almost everywhere. Some people, though, can’t find what they’re looking for in their cities or towns and instead create their own writers’ networks. One such person is Racquel Henry. Henry is a writer, editor, and founder of the Writer’s Atelier. In the clip below, Henry tells the story of how she created her writing group. She hoped to create a community that would connect writers to one another, without much cost to the writers themselves. This group has grown over the years to include editing, writer’s workshops, and other resources. Learn more about her story here!

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