The Genius of Creativity - video

We often overlook the important role that creativity plays to achieve success in a variety of fields—from writing to parenting to accounting. As writers, we often struggle with feeling creative on demand. Listen as co-authors Sam Barry and Kathi Kamen Goldmark discuss the question: where does creativity come from? Perhaps creativity is a human gift that comes from within. Or maybe creativity is sparked by the people around us. This interview is a great reminder that we all have a well of inspiration available to us—if we know where to look.
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  • Thank you for your thoughts. "Let yourself be a beginner" jumped out at me.
  • Thank you for taking the time to make this video. It made me think of all the creative people I have had in my life and how they were not afraid to show what they created no matter how simplistic. I think of a woman who took me for a walk in the woods and we picked things up we thought were interesting and when we got back she fashioned a basket of birch bark and we made an arrangement of the other things in it. It was a magical afternoon that still is in my memories. I'm more a writer than that kind of creativity, but you help me see how something unexpected can come from just creatively trying. Thank you very much!