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'All the Light We Cannot See' Author's Inspiration for 'Cloud Cuckoo Land'
The technology of radio waves served as an inspiration for Pulitzer Prize winning author Anthony Doerr's All the Light We Cannot See . In this video, Doerr discusses...
Anthony Doerr
The Most Influential Surrealist Artist You've Never Heard Of
Michaela Carter was inspired to write her novel when she discovered the artwork of Leonora Carrington in a museum in Europe in 2013. Based on true events and historical...
Michaela Carter
Introduction to Book in a Year - recorded webinar
Congratulations on enrolling in the Book in a Year program and taking the next step toward having your published book in your hands! This webinar session, presented...
Keith Ogorek
Author William F. Wu on His Recent Book, "A Temple of Forgotten Spirits"
Science fiction and fantasy author William F. Wu’s most recent book is a composite novel made of ten adventures that were originally published separately as short stories...
William F. Wu
Author Jonathan Brown on Writing and Publishing His Book, "Moose’s Law"
Moose’s Law was inspired by author Jonathan Brown’s real-life experience as a bouncer. As a 35-year-old bouncer in Vancouver, he realized there were many fun stories...
Jonathan Brown