Influencing a Social Change - podcast

A book is a powerful force. It can inspire and inform. It can help create change in society. Dalya Massachi, author of “Writing to Make a Difference,” discusses three secrets to write a book that influences social change. First, do your research and connect with other change makers fighting for your cause. Find out what information or tool would help them spread their message. Then, write the book that will solve their problem or help them. Second, remember that the community reader always wants to know, "what's in it for my community cause?" Write for your audience. Third, realize that there is a conversation between you and the reader. Creating a personal connection between you and the reader is key in helping to influence social change.
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  • Hi Robbie....I think that could be worth exploring. I tried creating a circle when I first joined, and no one responded to my requests :-(. I have actually paid for and am part of a different publishing mentoring program, but still would be happy to exchange with you on this platform. I have been creating a webinar, so got sidetracked on my book, and am just getting going. I wrote the 150 word back page summary yesterday and handed it in to my coach! The title of my book will be "Transform Your Culture: Love at Work - Compassionate Tools for Self-Mastery and Leadership". What is your topic?
  • Hello Gayle, I was given your name by the staff at the ALC as a possible person for my circle. Please would you read about my book and let me know if you would be interested in helping me. Thank you for your time. Robbie Dee Ewens
  • Thank you. This was helpful.