Sensory Research - podcast

Writing almost any book—even if it’s fiction—is going to require some research. When it comes to effective novel research methods, author Bob Martin shares his thoughts on the ideal way to research setting. He says that the best research method for setting is to physically explore the location. This allows you to know the location well enough to write about it with realism that adds depth to your story. Of course, sometimes you can’t physically go to a location you want to use. In this case, you use the internet to virtually explore a setting.
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  • Very informative, i love your information, i start writing in one of my book the experience i had from the fruits and vegetables i eat. Then i went to the internet to see what they had to say how good they were for our bodies. And i was right according to my experience. Doing research, is very important before putting the facts in your book. Thanks for your advice, it give me courage to go on writing and diing researching. God bless.
  • I love these short easily understood messages. This is one of my favourites, and I need to watch it often just to remind me to make my writing believable and enjoyable for the reader. My motive is to write for my family, to leave the history, but I guess if it's not interesting and engaging, not even they will read it. Thanks again, Giddy
  • This is fantastic inspiration to go out and write about a breakfast! LOL I understand, though, exactly what you mean and I love the tips. You have inspired me, thank you so much, Giddy
  • Great tips! Thanks. Barbara Long "And One More Makes Five"