How Reading Literary Fiction Can Improve a Writer’s Craft - video

For many new writers it's exciting to think about getting published, maybe even becoming a bestseller or being able to make enough money as a writer to quit your day job. Author and writing teacher Georgia Lee advises new writers to focus less on getting published and selling books, and a lot more on improving your writing craft. The most important thing, she says, is writing the best manuscript possible. Lee is a fan of literary fiction including many of the classics, but sees trends such as short attention spans leading writers away from reading the right kind of books as research. Lee quotes bestselling historical fiction author Philippa Gregory as saying, "Don't read something ordinary and say you can write at least that well, read the very best of the best and strive to write better than that."  Lee's advice: don't underestimate the importance of reading literary fiction just because it's not in style.

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  • This information enforced my own way of having let go of certain aspirations of  getting published as soon as possible. I have done that and wasn't ready to deal with all it took to market the book etc. Now I'm enjoying the living again inside the stories and seeing them develop, coming out of my head and onto the paper to be fleshed out and brought to life. I still need to work on organizing my time to where I have a set time, which doesn't feel natural, to work each day on my writing, Once I get in the mind-set to write I can stay for hours. Not as healthy, I know. But reading the best of the best that appeals to me as the new path to take in writing better stuff. I learned that in Art when I went to some of the best museums and seeing the need to do better by studying and loving the best work helped to improve my work. Thank you!