The Key Elements of Christian Personal Experience Stories and Articles

Susan Titus Osborn, an author, editor, and owner of The Christian Communicator, considers personal experience stories to be the most important thing an individual can write. People care about stories; after all, Osborn says, the Bible itself is full of stories. Meaningful personal experience stories grab readers and are honest and vulnerable. The reader should be able to take something away from the story, like a lesson or new perspective. In the case of Christian authors, there needs to be a spiritual emphasis as well, and the writing should move the reader closer to God, Osborn says.

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  • I can see that Susan is going to be a great resource for my writing.  My first book, Five Simple Rules, takes readers back to the 1950s when a relationship was more than activities you do in a bedroom or it teaches you how to accept the 1990s gender role responsibilities of the female figure in the home.  All the while learning how to actually communicate deeply with each other, beyond titles like, "Babe".  My next book takes the reader from the 1927 Emily Post book of manners up to modern-day rules of manners and behavior around the use of technology in our world.  Technology is NOT the bad guy, it is the way that people abuse it that causes the great problems we deal with today.