How Supporting Other Writers Can Benefit an Author

In addition to having a strong social media presence and engaging with readers, award-winning author and e-newsletter editor Darlyn Finch Kuhn recommends that writers appreciate, support, and acknowledge other writers in their communities. Kuhn started her online newsletter, Scribbles, as a way to encourage other writers on their journeys and to offer support and promotion for their events. The key to successfully networking, Kuhn says, is to be a strong supporter of others so that they will return the favor. Kuhn makes a point to attend book signings, write book reviews, and offer advice to fellow writers. She is a strong believer in giving before you receive and would like to see this trend continue to grow in writing communities.

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  • Hi to anyone who wants to see what I'm writing.     Over the years I've written many articles about my business, a business that took me all over the world and introduced me to many interesting and famous people from show business to royalty to politics. I've written articles about relevant subjects, but never previously considered writing a book about my life and my experiences. As I'm now in my 80's I remember in detail my childhood often better than what I did last week so I decided to write about all my life but discovered it covered 2 very different spheres, 1) As a young child living in London throughout the entire war from Blitz and Victory - from dodging bombs to fishing for tadpoles in bomb craters and swapping bomb splinters with other London school kids.                                                                                                 No: 2 was my life after leaving school and finally started in the retail business, then a complete fluke change my life completely. But this covered too much for one book so I have now completed my book as a child living in London up to when I left school. I hope that with the help of the A L Center it will be published and if all goes well then I will write about how my wife & I spent the next 50 years. HOPE I'VE NOT WRITTEN TOO MUCH ?       ALAN W B
