Alice Clark-Platts on Her Transition from Lawyer to Author - podcast

Formally trained and educated as a lawyer, author Alice Clark-Platts spent years as a human rights attorney working on high profile cases. She managed to fit some creative writing into her busy schedule, but just for her own enjoyment at the time. Life circumstances brought her family to Singapore where she was able to focus more on her writing. She founded the Singapore Writers' Group, now 1,500+ members strong, and ultimately landed her first book deal. Clark-Platts has been able to bring her analytical mindset to the plotting and planning for her critically acclaimed DI Erica Martin thriller series. The key to success for her in the transition to full-time writer has been discipline. She approaches her writing just as she would approach going into an office. She recommends writing every day to continue strengthening your craft, and to focus on reaching your target word count. You can always go back and rewrite.

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