Writing a Compelling Memoir - podcast

Writing a memoir can be a daunting task and making sure that it's not just a life story requires understanding the craft of writing creative nonfiction, your reader, and the market. Learn from Eleanor Vincent as she describes how to write a compelling story that is carefully plotted and structured.
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  • I loved this snippet from Eleanor Vincent and explaining the differences between the author, the narrator and the main character and how these play out in a memoir. And thanking Eleanor for the book recommendation, 'The Situation In The Story.' I look forward to chasing that down along with Eleanor's memoir.

  • Thanks, this was helpful in getting my mind around writing the story of a time of my life.  

  • I really found a lot of suggestions on how to write an effective book of my life.  It has to read like a story sure crossed my mind when I wrote my first two fictional books and had them published.  This really is going to help me write my fourth book more effectively.  

  • I'm so glad to know that writing the story first is important. In doing so, I can pinpoint so many places that are lacking, for instance that more or less silent movement to quietly move the action along may be there but isn't supported by the strength of the  situation which tells me where to go. Thank you so much. I did use the method in my recent novelette and will need to work some more on the situation. Thanks, thanks, thanks!

  • Thanks good information.