Your Online Audience Size - video

Rusty Shelton, President and CEO of author publicity firm Shelton Interactive, discusses the expectations of major publishers regarding your platform and audience size and why these things matter to them. Rusty also explains how his firm uses publicity and social media to support your platform, and more.
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  • I am going with what I presented in chapter 3 of my manuscript. This chapter of " A Turf Investor's Dream System" is titled, "A Winning Attitude"' The paragraph I speak of: Winning is an attitude. There are those who win when they obtain a Ph. D in Applied Mathematics. There are those who win when they reach the top of Mt. Everest. There are those who win when they get a college degree at age 65. We put in the effort and we achieve our goal, In short we win. Joseph
  • Rusty confirms what I suspected: An author has to be a big shot to start out with, or at least be a wiz with social media to get attention. He mentioned Twitter followers. I was told that YouTube's hit counter can be manipulated by a good hacker into overstating a video’s views. So, it may be possible to inflate things on Twitter as well. My mind has turned to guerrilla methods because that's all I have left. To participate in my latest scheme, look for my post under by Robert Dugoni’s “Don't Let Rejection Deter You.” (I’m not pasting it here to save space. But please look, we can form our own Algonquin Round Table of hopeful writers.)
  • I agree since we are living in a world of social media, it takes hard work to expose yourself to the public. I believe it is critical to be very selective in how we promote ourselves as image is everything.
  • Thank you, I think getting comfortable with the use of facebook and tweeter if your into tweeter is very important and a quick reference for people to look you up on and to link into, another is Linkedin. Getting to learn to use facebook or any other program is so important.
  • This is really the right way to start...