SEO: What is this? - article

When searching on the Internet for something, the most likely starting point is one of the big search engines, like Through these search engines, results are returned in a specific order based mostly on relevance to the keywords you entered. Those options that are ranked first are likely more relevant than items listed later in the results. At a minimum the items listed first have done a better job of proving that they are focused on that particular topic more than the other sites. Sometimes the results are controlled by other factors, such as the location from where you are searching. For instance, search engines are smart enough to know where you are when you're searching, so when you input something generic like “restaurants”, they most likely return results for restaurants in your general geographical location. It’s important to do what you can to increase your position in the results ranking because website traffic is improved when people can find you easily. If they can’t find you, they won’t visit your website, and they can’t do whatever it is you want them to do on the site, such as downloading an excerpt of your book or actually buying your book. You must generate traffic to your website for the site to be useful to you.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the act of intentionally trying to improve the ranking of your website in search results. It’s the preparation that goes into a website to make it as compatible as possible with any given search engine for the key phrases and category searches it most closely represents. SEO spiders aren’t creepy crawly things that scare children, but the concept is similar. Search engine spiders crawl through a websites’ text, pictures, links, and videos to see where to put them in their search results.

This is where a little planning on your part will increase that placement and inevitably your website’s potential success. By taking specific actions, such as including in your website the best possible search terms, you'll rank higher. To find these terms you need only to look online for a keyword analysis tool like the one Google Adwords uses or countless others have made available.

You also can do some market research of your own by trying to search out your industry like your ideal customer would. Examine those results for what they've done right and take notes. This is a great way to prepare for your own sites SEO, plus you get to see your main competition.

A lot of services offer Search Engine Optimization for you and some of them will do a great job. You need to be sure to check references, current clients, and credibility before trusting your website and your money to just anyone. A web designer can help you with SEO efforts. Check out other articles here on the Author Learning Center for information about what a Web designer does, how to find one, and tips for working with one.

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