Now is a Great Time for Poetry - podcast

Because of today's vibrant Internet-based culture, award-winner Mary Mackey says it's an ideal time to be a poet--especially for women and minorities who have been discouraged in the past. Mackey shares her tips to other poets, including the need to concentrate on their craft and create interesting work, but the potential to reach a huge audience online brings great possibilities.
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  • You are so right, it is a great time for poetry!
  • Thank you Mary that's putting it in a nut shell
  • Yes, certainly, the widely available publishing options presented to poets presently, are, happily encouraging.
  • Dear Mary, Love your message that this is a great time for poetry. I have written a collection of inspirational Christian poems of gratitude and hope and have it published through Inspiring Voices...a division of Guideposts. I have almost 600 poems to date and have enough poems for a second and third volume but I struggle to get my funds together to keep putting money into marketing it. I am a shy reserved person and would like my poetry to speak for itself to others. I know I can touch their hearts if I can get it noticed. As of this writing I have almost $9,000 in my efforts with no payments for my time...and I write everyday. Can you help me get exposed. Reply to Charles Preston Fletcher :