Advice for Memoirists on Writing About Sensitive Topics - podcast

Memoir can be an intimidating genre for writers due to the very personal nature of the content. Memoir author, writers group founder, and publishing consultant Patricia L. Brooks offers a workshop aptly named "Write the Memoir You Are Afraid to Write." Brooks strongly encourages aspiring memoirists to "write your truth," despite the risk of getting negative feedback from family or friends. Brooks advises that if you know your heart is in the right place, you can't worry about what others think. By writing about and sharing her truths Brooks has been able to help many women. To build up your confidence in your writing, she recommends finding a critique group that you trust for support and encouragement.

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  • Hello, I'm glad that you shared your tips and experiences with us.  Thank you.  I have a question to put out there.  If I am writing about another person, and want to capture the narrative, fiction-like elements of a true story in nonfiction, is it advisable to write a memoir, "as told to" the author?  I have seen one author write an autobiography about the life of another well known person, "as told to" the author, (i.e. The Autobiography of Malcom X, As told to Alex Haley).  Thanks.  Sam R.

  • Hi and thank you for your great advice. I am writing a memoir and self help book mainly for women. I do have some examples of things that have happened in my life and want to use them in my book. I have written about events over 30 years ago and I even have a different last name now, so I am hoping if I just use changed first names as examples of the people at the time who were involved in these examples, and adding no last names that I do not need to change everything with regard to legalities? If someone could advise me about this it would be much appreciated.

  • Hi, I wrote my book the latter part of 2016 and was self published, my book is about my life from birth until present. I was told by Xlibris that I could not us names, pictures or name of cities ,towns etc and to use a pin name because I was telling incidents that happen to me at the hands of family and others. now I can not use my picture on my book or my family that had me really upset at one point but I wanted my book published, I felt like it made the book not mine and what I wanted it to say to readers but I still hope that it will still reach those that have walked in my shoes. If you have any advice please feel free to tell me.

    Neveah Arnesse

  • Hi my name is Stacey. I have been married for 22 years and I'm 44  and have grown children they are 18 and 21 girls. I was in a car wreck in 1978. I ha ave had a lot of stuff that has happened because of it and it is my time to write about it. I would like to talk to you topic is on bullys.