Understanding the “Persona” of Your Target Readers and How to Reach Them

Per author and book coach, Lakisha Baker, authors need to create the “persona” of the reader they hope to reach with their book. Pretend your target reader is sitting across from you – what are their demographics, pain points, psychographics? Where do they hangout online? Do they belong to any clubs or organizations? Once you understand these details about your target reader, you can use that information to fine tune your marketing promotions and strategies. In addition, Baker strongly recommends having an author website that you can point readers to and that allows readers to also find you organically online.

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  • Much appreciated Lakisha, but I am not so sure abut the website, that some of you kept insisting on having.  I was informed that it would not be practical if you have NO VISIBILITY awareness online?? Other than that, I very much appreciated hearing the information, which is partly new to me as of late.