Obstacles that Hold New Writers Back and How to Overcome Them

Professor and author Donna Arthur Downs believes the biggest obstacle that holds new writers back from reaching their potential is not having time to write. In addition, they also have to find time to build an online platform through avenues such social media. This can be a challenging balancing act. The best way to find time is to schedule it, she says. Downs also recommends keeping a journal of all of your experiences and ideas to capture potential writing material. You likely won't remember some things if you don't write them down.

Downs also sees new writers struggling to find their place in the world of information overload. It can be very difficult to get your work noticed. When teaching her communication students, Downs writes the word "compelling" on the black board and explains that if you can't be a compelling writer, it will be challenging to get reader attention. We all have voices that we want to be heard, she says, and we have to figure out how to get heard. The best way to do this, per Downs, is tight writing that is compelling. She also recommends thinking about the issues that get to the heart and that make people think.

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