Spiritual Writing: Write Because You Have To - video

Author and agent Bill Gladstone shares his advice for authors writing spiritual books. He recommends that if you are an author with a true and important spiritual message, write and publish because it needs to be communicated—don't focus on the success it might have. In some ways, spirituality is like any other field. If you want people to listen to your message, you need to become an expert share your message through workshops and speaking events. The difference is that if you look at the bestselling authors of books on spirituality, few of them intentionally set out to become financially successful through their writing. They wrote because they felt they had to. So write something with real value. Write something that’s important to you, and share it with as many people as you can. And if it becomes a bestseller, that’s wonderful; but even if it doesn’t, you’ve fulfilled your purpose in writing the book.
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  • Thank you Bill. I take your wise counsel to heart. You encourage me to finish the task God has trusted me with: to know Him and to make Him known. After all, it is all about Him and not about me.
  • Christian books sounds really great to me because, i am learning about my spiritual self through jesus and come from the flesh in to the spirit is amazing to me the more and more i learn. So his speech and having some wonderful to say to teach others is important to me.
  • Very helpful message...Thanks for your guidance dear Bill. Just completed writing my first book ever and wrote because i had something to share about my transformation.Having said that there are millions more who have written such books but maybe this is what i can do best.. is offer my experiences. Hope it touches more lives and helps in search of transformation the simple way.. Thanks again! Keep Shining! love light, Ashtar Tashi :)
  • Thank you for this article. It is hard to find good advice for spiritual writing. My book which will soon be published was not written at all with the idea of publishing.When I was learning the New Thought philosophy I would write poems on different topics to see if I understood the subject clearly. My first intention for writing my book was to find a home for my poems! not to be a great author.
  • Yes I agree spiritual writing must be spirit lead. That's why I am here, now. I thought it was a difficult thing to get a book published? But my book is coming. I was never my idea to write this book, I have had no real education or any skills in writing, but writing this book appears to be part of my destiny and it has been the hardest thing I have every had to do. And its scary as I near time to publish, as I wonder if I have completed the task in the light of what I was told by my spirit or just words knocking around in my head. Thanks