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Audience Development for Indie Authors and Publishers
Beth Kallman Werner
As much as you’d like it to be, your book is not for everyone. While some books may appeal to many types of readers, most books appeal to only select audiences. As an indie or self-published author, identifying and reaching your specific readers is key...
over 4 years ago
I have an Idea!
Identifying Your Audience
Content Development for Social Media Strategy
Beth Kallman Werner
One of the toughest challenges for authors, especially those who are not social media savvy, is building a portfolio of collateral to share with potential readers and fans. To engage and expand your following, you need to create and share content that...
over 2 years ago
Social Media
Book Advertising 101: Planning a Book Advertising Campaign
Beth Kallman Werner
In this webinar session, Author Connections President and book marketing advisor Beth Kallman Werner covers the basics of print and online advertising for new title discovery. From budget planning and execution tips, to where to advertise, audience targeting...
over 3 years ago
How Fiction Authors Can Go Beyond Genre to Identify Their Target Audience
Beth Kallman Werner
Identifying your target reader can often be more challenging for fiction authors because your book's themes and messages might be a little more subtle than a nonfiction book. Book marketing advisor and Author Connections President Beth Kallman Werner...
over 4 years ago
I have an Idea!
Identifying Your Audience
Efficient Social Media Tips for Authors
Beth Kallman Werner
Social media can be overwhelming and time consuming, but it can also be a very beneficial layer of your author platform, with various channels for promoting your books when used correctly. In this webinar with Author Connections Founder and President...
over 5 years ago
Social Media
Practical Budgeting for Indie Authors
Beth Kallman Werner
Essential Prep for Smart Investment Before embarking on the journey to write and publish a book, it's important to understand the potential costs associated with each step in the process. This will help you properly budget for your project and make...
over 2 years ago
Writing Jobs
The Business of Being a Writer